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Vision and Mission


So we have recently been working on the Vision and Mission for Blnd. This is a short post on how we did it – with a first picture for the site too!

First, we defined what we wanted from the Vision and Mission….

Vision – some day

  • What are our hopes and dreams?
  • What are we solving for who? Is there a greater good?

Mission – every day

  • What do we do?
  • Whom do we serve?
  • How do we serve them?

It was then time for us to have a look at some examples for inspiration, and we looked at companies from Alibaba to Zoopla, IKEA to Tesla, even MoMA!

Next, we got some post-its and over the course of a few days stuck our thoughts and ideas on the piano (see lovely picture above).

Then, we sat down together and tried to but the above thoughts into some coherent statements. Below is the result and the first go at our Blnd Vision and Mission! It feels good now that we have some direction.


To be the most recognised and recommended provider of CBD products and alternative therapies in the world


Supplying ethical and sustainably sourced CBD products to help people with their problems. We work with trade bodies to drive knowledge and research in the industry, keeping up to date on the issues and playing an active role in supporting the legalisation of products that will benefit the world
